Important information!

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What’s going on?
We are auctioning polaroids of Michael Sheen taken by us or by Michael himself, all to benefit the charity Michael has chosen, Adferiad Recovery. They are all autographed and many of the auction lots will contain things like exclusive footage of the polaroid being shot or signed so be sure to read the descriptions to see what comes with each!

To be totally transparent, this is our first time running an auction. If things are going well we may open up more lots for auction, but for now our plan is to launch 10 total lots, with staggered start dates. 

When are the auctions available?
The auctions will be held from August 7th through August 14th. Bidding will begin and end at 5pm BST / 12 noon EDT / 9am PDT.

There will be 10 total lots available running from these dates: 

3 lots - August 7th through August 14th

4 lots - August 9th through August 14th

5 lots - August 11th through August 14th << 2 polaroids added!!

Where can I find the auction?
You can find the auction website here. While only the currently available lots will be visible on the auction site, you will be able to see which polaroids are coming in the next set of lots on the campaign homepage.

What is included in each lot?
Each lot will include at least one signed polaroid of Michael Sheen. There will also be extra items that are included in each lot (example: footage of that polaroid being shot). Make sure you read the description for each as they are not all the same and some may contain more items than others. 

Our aim is for the items available in these lots to be exclusive to the winners so you will not see these polaroids available on any of the reprint merch, unwatermarked scans of the polaroids will not be posted by us, and any extended footage will not be made public by us (it’s yours to do with as you please!)

If you have questions about a particular lot PLEASE reach out to us via Twitter DM or email ( at any time.

How does the auction work? Can I just send you my bid? 
We will be hosting the auction through an external auction website so we will not be accepting bids elsewhere. Bidders will need to create an account with the website and place their bid, but anyone can view the lots without an account. 

In order to create an account the only information necessary is your name and email address. When you place a bid, only your display name will be shown. Update emails will be sent to keep you informed if you are outbid.

Do I complete my donation through the auction website?
Auction winners will donate their winning bid amount directly to the charity Michael has chosen, Adferiad Recovery.

**Donations to other charities will not be accepted for this campaign

**Donations must be in GBP (£)

**Proof of donations are due within 24 hours of auction closing (August 14th)

Email ( or DM us a screenshot of your donation, along with the Lot # you won, within 24 hours of the auction closing. Winners will not be confirmed until screenshots have been submitted and checked with the charity. **Screenshots must show donation amount and donation ID/confirmation number.**

We will gather shipping information from the winners after we have confirmed their donation.

I won’t be able to participate in the auction, is that my only chance to get a polaroid?
There will be a store featuring reprinted polaroids (meaning not the originals) on a few items! We intend to launch the store on August 15th and it will close when we sell out, but all items are limited quantities so try to order as soon as you can! In the past we have done large merch campaigns and that will NOT be the case with this one. We will have a selection of postcards and posters available in exchange for donations and these items will feature a large set of the polaroids on them so you can take home many Michaels all at once!

Do I have to pay for shipping?
As it has always been in the past, shipping is free and we ship all around the world! If you’d like to donate to this project we are accepting donations to help with shipping costs only. Please send us a message if you’re interested in helping!

Note: We are not responsible for customs/VAT/import taxes and fees in your country.


the white curl

The two TWC admins/owners use this name


Polaroid Campaign Store: Ordering & Shipping


What If We Took Polaroids of Michael Sheen…